Dates and Time in German

Do you know what time it is? How about the date? If you are in a German-speaking country, you will want to know how to ask and answer those questions in German. There are some tricks, so first review how to tell time in German. See this glossary for examples.  Let's explore terms for ​the clock, calendar, seasons, weeks, days,dates and other time-related vocabulary


Noun genders: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)
Abbreviations: adj.
(adjective), adv. (adverb), n. (noun), pl. (plural), v. (verb)


after, past (prep., with time.) nach
after ten o'clock nach zehn Uhr
quarter past five viertel nach fünf
five past ten fünf nach zehn
afternoon (n.) r Nachmittag
afternoons, in the afternoon nachmittagsam Nachmittag
ago vor
two hours ago vor zwei Stunden
ten years ago vor zehn Jahren
AM, a.m. morgensvormittags
Note: German schedules and timetables use 24-hour time rather than AM or PM.
annual(ly) (adj./adv.) jährlich (YEHR-lich)
The word jährlich is based on das Jahr (year), the root word for many similar words in German, including das Jahrhundert (century) and das Jahrzehnt(decade).
April (derApril
in April im April
(See all of the months below, under "month")
around (prep., with time) gegen
around ten o'clock gegen zehn Uhr
at (prep., with time) um
at ten o'clock um zehn Uhr
autumn, fall r Herbst
in (the) autumn/fall im Herbst


balance wheel (clock) (n.) e Unruhs Drehpendel
before (adv., prep.) (be)vorvorherzuvor
the day before yesterday vorgestern
before ten o'clock (be)vor zehn Uhr
years before Jahre früher
Because the English word "before" can have so many meanings in German, it is wise to learn the appropriate phrases or idioms. Part of the problem is that the word (in both languages) can functon as an adverb, an adjective or a preposition, AND can be used to express both time (previous to, earlier) and location (in front of). In clock time vor is used to mean before or to, as in "ten to four" = zehn vor vier.
behind (prep., timehinter (dative)
That's behind me now. Das ist jetzt hinter mir.
behind (n., time) r Rückstand
(be) behind schedule/time im Rückstand (sein)
weeks behind Wochen im Rückstand


calendar (n.) r Kalender
Both the English word calendar and German Kalender come from the Latin word kalendae (calends, "the day when accounts are due") or the first day of the month. Roman dates were expressed in "kalendae," nonae" (nones), and "idus" (ides), the 1st, 5th and 13th days of a month (the 15th day in the months of March, May, July and October) respectively. The names for the months of the year came into English, German and most of the western languages via Greek and Latin.
Central European Daylight Saving Time Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)(GMT + 2 hours, from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October)
Central European Time Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ) (GMT + 1 hour) - See a world time clock to see what time it is right now in Germany and elsewhere.
chronometer s Chronometer
clock, watch e Uhr
The word for clock/watch - Uhr - came to German via French heure from Latin hora (time, hour). That same Latin word gave English the word "hour." Sometimes German uses the abbreviation "h" for Uhr or "hour," as in "5h25" (5:25) or "km/h" (Stundenkilometer, km per hour).
clock face, dial s Zifferblatt
clockwork s Räderwerks Uhrwerk
count (v.) zählen (TSAY-len)
CAUTION! Do not confuse zählen with zahlen (to pay)!
day(s) r Tag (die Tage)
day after tomorrow (adv.) Ã¼bermorgen
day before yesterday (adv.) vorgestern
day by day, from day to day (adv.) von Tag zu Tag
For a detailed glossary of "day" expressions in German, see Day by Day: Day Expressions in German.
daylight saving time e Sommerzeit
standard time (n.) e Standardzeite Winterzeit
Germany first introduced Sommerzeit during the war years. MESZ (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit, Central European DST) was reintroduced in 1980. In coordination with other European countries, Germany uses MESZ from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October.
dial (clock, watchs Zifferblatte Zifferanzeige (digital display)
digital (adj.) digital (DIG-ee-tal)
digital display e Zifferanzeiges Display


escapement (clocke Hemmung
escapement wheel (clocks Hemmrad
eternal(ly) (adj./adv.) ewig
eternity e Ewigkeit
evening r Abend
evenings, in the evening abendsam Abend


fall, autumn r Herbst
in the fall/autumn im Herbst
fast (clock, watch) (adv.) vor
My watch is running fast. Meine Uhr geht vor.
first (adj.) erst-
the first car das erste Auto
the first day der erste Tag
the first door die erste Tür
See German Numbers for an English-German guide to ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) and cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...).
fortnight, two weeks vierzehn Tage (14 days)
in a fortnight/two weeks in vierzehn Tagen
fourth (adj.) viert-
the fourth car das vierte Auto
the fourth day der vierte Tag
the fourth floor die vierte Etage
Friday r Freitag
(on) Fridays freitags
Note that all of the German days of the week are masculine (der). The days of the German week (which starts with Monday) fall in this sequence: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag (Sonnabend), Sonntag.


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (n.) e Greenwichzeit (GMT) (Also see UTC)
grandfather clock, longcase clock (n.) e Standuhr
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (n.) e Greenwichzeit (time at the prime meridian)


h (abbreviatione Stunde (hour)
Latin hora (time, hour) gave English the word "hour" and German the word for "clock" (Uhr). Sometimes German uses the abbreviation "h" for Uhr or "hour," as in "5h25" (5:25) or "km/h" (Stundenkilometer, km per hour).
half (adj./adv.) halb
half past one (five, eight, etc.) halb zwei (sechs, neun, usw.)
hand (clockr Zeiger (see hour hand, second hand, etc.)
big hand großer Zeiger
little hand kleiner Zeiger
hour e Stunde
every hour jede Stunde
every two/three hours alle zwei/drei Stunden
GENDER TIP: Note that all of the German nouns having to do with clock time are feminine (​die): e Uhre Stundee Minute, usw.
hour glass, sand glass e Sanduhrs Stundenglas
hour hand r Stundenzeigerr kleine Zeiger (little hand)
hourly (adv.) stündlichjede Stunde


infinite (adj.) unendlichendlos
infinity (n.) e Unendlichkeit


last, previous (adv.) letztvorig
last week letzte Wochevorige Woche
last weekend letztes Wochenende
late spät
be late Verspätung haben


minute (n.)  e Minute (meh-NOOH-ta)
minute hand  r Minutenzeigerr große Zeiger
Monday  r Montag
  (on) Mondays  montags
Montag, like English "Monday," is named for the moon (der Mond), i.e., "moon-day." On German (European) calendars, the week begins with Montag, not Sonntag (the last day of the week): Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag (Sonnabend), Sonntag. This has the benefit of putting the two weekend days together rather than separated, as on Anglo-American calendars.
month(s)  r Monat (die Monate)
Months in German: (all der) Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember.
morning  r Morgenr Vormittag
  this morning   heute Morgen
  tomorrow morning   morgen frühmorgen Vormittag
  yesterday morning   gestern frühgestern Vormittag


next (adv.)  nächst
  next week  nächste Woche
  next weekend  nächstes Wochenende
night(s)  e Nacht (Nächte)
  at night   nachtsin der Nacht
  by night   bei Nacht
number(s)  e Zahl (Zahlen), e Ziffer(n) (on clock face), e Nummer(n)
See German Numbers for an English-German guide to calendar dates, numbers (​Zahlen) and counting (zählen).


oversleep  sich verschlafen


past, after (clock time)  nach
  quarter past five   viertel nach fünf
  five past ten   fünf nach zehn
pendulum  s Pendel
pendulum clock  e Pendeluhr
PM  abendsnachmittags
  Note: German schedules and timetables use 24-hour time rather than AM or PM.
pocket watch  e Taschenuhr


quarter (one fourth) (n., adv.)  s Viertel
  quarter to/past   viertel vor/nach
  quarter past five   viertel sechs


sand glass, hour glass  s Stundenglase Sanduhr
Saturday  r Samstagr Sonnabend
  (on) Saturdays  samstagssonnabends
season (of year)  e Jahreszeit
  the four seasons   die vier Jahreszeiten
second (n.)  e Sekunde (say-KOON-da)
second (adj.)  zweit-
  second-largest   zweitgrößte
  the second car   das zweite Auto
  the second door   die zweite Tür
second hand  r Sekundenzeiger
slow (clock, watch) (adv.)  nach
  My watch is running slow.   Meine Uhr geht nach.
spring (n.)  e Federe Zugfeder
spring (season)  r Frühlings Frühjahr
  in (the) spring   im Frühling/Frühjahr
spring balance  e Federwaage
standard time  e Standardzeite Winterzeit
  daylight saving time (n.)  e Sommerzeit
summer  r Sommer
  in (the) summer   im Sommer
Sunday  r Sonntag
  (on) Sundays  sonntags
sun dial  e Sonnenuhr


third (adj.)  dritt-
  third-largest   drittgrößte
  the third car   das dritte Auto
  the third door   die dritte Tür
time  e Zeit (pron. TSYTE)
time clock  e Stempeluhr
time zone  e Zeitzone
The world's official 24 time zones were created in October 1884 (1893 in Prussia) by an international conference in Washington, D.C. in response to the needs of railroads, shipping companies and increasing international travel. Each hour's zone is 15 degrees in width (15 Längengraden) with Greenwich as the prime (zero) meridian (Nullmeridian) and the International Date line at 180º. In practice, most time zone boundaries are adjusted to conform to various political and geographic considerations. There are even some half-hour time zones.
Thursday  r Donnerstag
  (on) Thursdays  donnerstags
today (adv.)  heute
  today's newspaper   die heutige Zeitungdie Zeitung von heute
  a week/month from today   heute in einer Woche/einem Monat
tomorrow (adv.)  morgen (not capitalized)
  tomorrow afternoon   morgen Nachmittag
  tomorrow evening   morgen Abend
  tomorrow morning   morgen frühmorgen Vormittag
  tomorrow night   morgen Nacht
  a week/month/year ago tomorrow   morgen vor einer Woche/einem Monat/einem Jahr
Tuesday  r Dienstag
  (on) Tuesdays  dienstags


UTC  UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, Universel Temps Coordonné) - Also see GMT.)
UTC was introduced in 1964 and is headquartered at the Paris Observatory (but calculated from the prime meridian at Greenwich). Since 1972 UTC has been based on atomic clocks. A UTC radio time signal (Zeitzeichen) is broadcast around the world. UTC is coordinated with solar time (UT1). Because of irregularities in the earth's rotation, a leap second must be introduced from time to time in December or June. 


watch, clock  e Uhre Armbanduhr (wristwatch)
Wednesday  r Mittwoch
  (on) Wednesdays  mittwochs
  Ash Wednesday  Aschermittwoch
  See our Feiertag-Kalender for more
  about holidays such as Ash Wednesday.
week(s)  e Woche (die Wochen)
  a week ago   vor einer Woche
  for a week   (für) eine Woche
  in a week   in einer Woche
  two weeks, fortnight (n.)  vierzehn Tage (14 days)
  in two weeks/a fortnight   in vierzehn Tagen
  this/next/last week   diese/nächste/vorige Woche
  days of the week   die Tage der Woche
Days of the Week with Abbreviations: Montag (Mo), Dienstag (Di), Mittwoch (Mi), Donnerstag (Do), Freitag (Fr), Samstag (Sa), Sonntag (So).
weekday (Mon.-Fri.)  r Wochentagr Werktag (Mo-Fr)
  (on) weekdays   wochentagswerktags
weekend  s Wochenende
  a long weekend  ein verlängertes Wochenende
  at/on the weekend  am Wochenende
  at/on weekends  an Wochenenden
  for/over the weekend  Ã¼bers Wochenende
weekly (adj./adv.)  wöchentlichWochen- (prefix)
  weekly newspaper  Wochenzeitung
winter  r Winter
  in (the) winter   im Winter
wristwatch  e Armbanduhr


year(s)  s Jahr (YAHR) (e Jahre)
  for years  seit Jahren
  in the year 2006  im Jahr(e) 2006
yesterday (adv.)  gestern
Dates and Time in German Dates and Time in German Reviewed by Admin on 1:41:00 AM Rating: 5

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