Essential German Phrasebook
You know you need to know a few basics, but you're a busy person. Here's some help in the form of a one-page “phrasebook” for people in a hurry.
You can print out the complete one-page version of the phrasebook.
You can print out the complete one-page version of the phrasebook.
Common Phrases | Getting Around | |
yes - no - maybe ja - nein - vielleicht yah - nine - fee-lycht | train - plane - car Zug - Flugzeug - Auto tsoog - FLOOG-tsoyk - OW-toe | |
Hello! - Goodbye! Guten Tag! - Auf Wiedersehen! GOO-ten tak - owf-VEEder-zane | train station - airport Bahnhof - Flughafen BAHN-hof - FLOOG-hafen | |
Good morning! Guten Morgen! GOO-ten morgen | left - right links - rechts linx - rechts |
At the Hotel | Food & Drink | |
Is breakfast included? Mit Frühstück? mitt FRUY-stuyck | bread/rolls Brot/Brötchen broht/brutchen | |
downstairs/upstairs unten/oben oonten/oh-ben | beer - wine - juice Bier - Wein - Saft beer - vine - zahft | |
ng Out | Shopping | |
waiter - waitress Ober - Kellnerin oh-ber - kellner-in | That's cheap/expensive. Das ist billig/teuer. dahs ist billik/toy-er | |
Where's the restroom/toilet? Wo ist die Toilette? vo ist dee toy-LETa | department store - grocery store Kaufhaus - Lebensmittelgeschäft kowf-house - -ge-sheft | |
This section includes phrases that enhance your “coping skills,” or ways of dealing with a lack of understanding. Note: The phonetic (fo-NET-ik) pronunciation guide for each phrase is only approximate.
Deutsch | English |
Sprechen Sie Deutsch/Englisch? SHPREK-en zee DOYTsh / ENG-lish | Do you speak German / English? |
Noch einmal, bitte. NOCK EYEn-mahl BIT-tuh | (Repeat) Once again, please. |
Wie bitte? VEE BIT-tuh | What did you say? / What was that? |
Langsamer, bitte. LAHNG-zahmer BIT-tuh | More slowly, please. |
Bitte Wiederholen Sie! BIT-tuh VEE-der-HOL-en zee | Please repeat that. |
Ich verstehe nicht. ICK fer-SHTEH-uh nickt | I don't understand. |
Ich habe eine Frage. ICK HAB-ah EYE-nuh FRAG-uh | I have a question. |
Wie sagt man...?VEE zahgt mahn | How do you say...? |
Ich weiß nicht. ICK VYEss nickt | I don't know. |
Doch! dock | On the contrary! / Yes. (in reply to a negative question) |
Wo ist/sind...? VO ist/sint | Where is/are...? |
wann? - wer? - wie? vahn - vehr - vee | when? - who? - how? |
warum? - was? va-RUHM - vahs | why? - what? |
Schon gut! SHON goot | Okay! |
Ich habe kein(e)... ICK HAHB-a kine(uh) | I have no... / I don't have any... |
Ich habe kein Geld. ICK HAHB-ah kine gelt | I don't have any money. |
Essential German Phrasebook
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9:06:00 AM
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